Thursday, October 26, 2006

Virtual-Community tools to support your Physical Community

A list of suggestions to make the most of the Technology Age:

In the age of technology the entire global community is at your finger tips. However, many people are substituting interactions with their physical community, by hanging out with their "virtual community". The purpose of the online virtual community should be to enhance local community. And that is what Kundalini Yogis are doing, because you can't do yoga over the internet.

Here are a list of tools to enhance your Worldly Community using the World Wide Web:

First off, if you don't already have it, download Firefox as your Internet Browser It is the most versatile and user friendly web browser available.

Create a Social Networking account. Myspace is the most popular, but there are others as well. Social Networking is a very useful way to keep in touch with people. Check out the IKYTA Myspace account.

Start using Google and create a Gmail account. Look at the Options that Google has. If you don't know about Google Earth, you will be amazed. (I'm still amazed)

To be able to talk to friends all over the world, use Skype.

Group email lists, like the Kundalini-Yoga Yahoo Group allow you to share your thoughts with many like-minded people at the same time.

Well, I hope this helps you to keep connected and build your local community.



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