Monday, October 30, 2006

Please post this IKYTA Flier in your Yoga Studio

Sat Nam,

If you have a Yoga Studio, or know of one, we would be very grateful if you would download and print out the IKYTA Flier below and post it to let people know about IKYTA.

Thank you for your support.


Be one of the first 200 people to register and you could win...

We have more prizes so we would like to extend the prize drawing to the first 200 people to register for 2007 Membership. The earlier people get registered the more time we have to prepare for the coming year.

The Grand Prize is a free Membership for 2007.

Here are some of the other prizes you could win:

A Large Yogi Bhajan Poster

The Lunar Woman Curriculum Guidelines

At the Feet of the Master T-shirt

At the Feet of the Master Poster

Ancient Healing Ways has donated a variety of Teaching Materials.
(Ancient Healing Ways also gives a 10% discount off of Teaching Materials to IKYTA Members)

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Letter to the Global Community

Dear 3HO Family and Friends,

Sat Nam. In the name of the One who does all, we would like to share with you and those you serve what is happening at the Secretariat Offices in New Mexico. Along with the advent of our crisp Fall weather and snow in the hilltops, we are right in step with this season of change!

In 2001, the Siri Singh Sahib (Yogi Bhajan) told us that we must be known for our service by 2007. The Universe, with her infinite sense of humor has decided that we should move faster to accomplish this and we have been faced with an immediate challenge.

For the past few years, several of the non-profit organizations have been blessed to have donations come in to supplement their self-generated income. In 2007 it is expected that these donations will be substantially less than they have been, and so we find ourselves addressing the challenge of how we can best serve the mission given increased financial constraints.

This challenge has prompted an examination of the goals of each organization, starting from the perspective of how they serve the vision and mission of the Siri Singh Sahib as a part of the global community. In an effort to maximize service, a streamlining of our processes is occurring, including cutting costs. Although we see this as having an immediate positive effect worldwide, it will also affect some members of our community who have been employed by these organizations. We have been working closely within our organizations to make all these hard decisions together and will provide the best transition support we can for any employees who may be affected.

The Siri Singh Sahib told us that difficult times would come, but he also told us that the future would be bright and prosperous. The sense is that this shift will make the organizations stronger, and allow us to serve more people to have healthy, happy and holy lives. If you would like more information, or would like to help in some way, please contact any of the people listed below.

In the name of the Cosmos which prevails through everyBODY and the Holy Nam which holds the world.

Humbly yours,

The Secretariat, staff of the non-profit organizations


What is going on in your Neck of the World?

If you have a story you would like to share about Kundalini Yoga in your community, please let us know. We are adding content to the new IKYTA News Blog, and are looking for global perspectives. You can post a comment here or email with your inspirational article, short story, pictures or anything else you can think of. Make the subject of your email "News Blog Item."

Thank you so much for your help.

In Service,

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Virtual-Community tools to support your Physical Community

A list of suggestions to make the most of the Technology Age:

In the age of technology the entire global community is at your finger tips. However, many people are substituting interactions with their physical community, by hanging out with their "virtual community". The purpose of the online virtual community should be to enhance local community. And that is what Kundalini Yogis are doing, because you can't do yoga over the internet.

Here are a list of tools to enhance your Worldly Community using the World Wide Web:

First off, if you don't already have it, download Firefox as your Internet Browser It is the most versatile and user friendly web browser available.

Create a Social Networking account. Myspace is the most popular, but there are others as well. Social Networking is a very useful way to keep in touch with people. Check out the IKYTA Myspace account.

Start using Google and create a Gmail account. Look at the Options that Google has. If you don't know about Google Earth, you will be amazed. (I'm still amazed)

To be able to talk to friends all over the world, use Skype.

Group email lists, like the Kundalini-Yoga Yahoo Group allow you to share your thoughts with many like-minded people at the same time.

Well, I hope this helps you to keep connected and build your local community.


We are getting really good at this

Sat Nam,

It is Day Two and we are already speeding right along. 32 People have registered. Thank you to all of those who let me know that they don't need a phone call to be reminded to register, we are able to focus our efforts better this way.
Blessings to all, and don't forget, if you haven't signed up yet, the first 150 to sign up will be eligible to win some prizes, including a free membership.

Talk to you later :)

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

The Phones are Ringing!

Sat Nam,

We have started calling the Kundalini Yoga Teachers and Students that we have in our database to remind them that the Membership Drive has begun. If you don't need a phone call reminder you can email me at
and let me know that you don't need a call and we can take you off the list.

The Membership Drive ends December 15th, but remember, if you are one of the first 150 people to register you will be entered into a drawing for some cool prizes.

In service,

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Today is the day! Sign up for Membership!

The 2007 IKYTA Membership Campaign has started. We will be giving prizes for 10 of the first 150 people who sign up. The Prizes will include T-Shirts, Posters, Teaching Manuals, and Grand Prize Free Membership. So, hop to it, and get signed up to 2007.

Register at
or more specificly:

Sat Nam,

Monday, October 23, 2006

Tomorrow is the Day (crossed fingers)

October 24th is the planned start date for the Membership Drive. If you are in the IKYTA data base (and we have your correct email address) you will receive an email from us letting you know that you can go to and register for 2007 Membership.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

The Membership Drive is about to begin

Sat Nam!
I am very excited because the 2007 Membership drive is about to begin and I am getting all ready for it.
Right now I am getting the different phone lists together so that we can call you can remind you.
However, I am trying to figure out (using our current database) how to make sure we don't call you if you have already registered. This would free up time and confusion, as it is often confusing to get a call to register if you already have.
Well, I'll talk to you later.
