Thursday, November 30, 2006

Jalapeno Pancakes

Sat Nam and greetings. Winter is almost here. Be ready for the cold season. Try these:

Yogi Bhajan's Jalapeno Pancakes

2 cups besan (the fine flour of black garbanzo beans - available at Indian Markets, you can substitute with fine flour of domestic garbanzo beans)
1 Tbs whole coriander seed
2 tsp ajwain (oregano seed - available at Indian Markets)
8 jalapeno chiles, chopped
1 tsp salt
1 onion, finely diced
1 bulb garlic, minced
1/3 cup gingerroot, minced
15 almonds, blanced and halved
1 tsp black pepper
1 Tbs cumin seeds
1 tsp crushed red chiles
olive oil

Mix besan with enough water to make a batter of pancake consistency. (As the batter sits, it will thicken slightly. Add water in very small amounts to maintain consistency.) Add remaining ingredients, except oil. Heat 1/8-inch olive oil in a heavy skillet over medium-high flame. Pour in enough batter to make a 6-inch pancake, spreading it evenly in a circle with the bottom of a spoon. (They should be about 1/8-1/4 inch thick.) Fry as you would pancakes, browning on both sides and draining on absorbent paper.

These spicy pancakes help build resistance to colds and flu and help overcome the ill effects of living in a polluted environment. (Reprinted with permission from, "From Vegetables, With Love," by Siri Ved Kaur.)

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Letter from Panch Nishan

Sat Nam Yogis & Yoginis,

I have the blessing to work in the area of Community Development. In serving this role many people who are looking to travel or move to various communities around the world contact me inquiring about job opportunities, living opportunities & teaching opportunities that exist. In order to most effectively serve the needs of the times and these types of inquiries, rather then have them go through a central office, we are about to launch a classified section on the IKYTA website. This 'Yogis List' (similar to Craigslist) will allow you to find resources and self-post your services to the Kundalini Yoga network around the world. As we are in the design phase we would love to incorporate your creative ideas & input in order for it to most effectively serve your needs. Please e-mail me directly ( if you would like to participate (through e-mail &/or conference calls) in the development of this service.

I look forward to working with you in creating more ways for us to network and share opportunities with each other through this "Yogis List."

Together we will fulfill the longing of the Master of Kundalini Yoga, Yogi Bhajan, for us to become 10 times greater then he.

Panch Nishan Kaur
International Community Relations

PS If you have any ideas about social networking and the like, you can post it in a comment below.

Tips on One Minute Breath

Sat Nam.
One-Minute Breath is a great technique to keep your calm through our fast changing times. Try it.

ONE-MINUTE BREATH (1 cycle per minute)

20 seconds to inhale, 20 seconds hold, 20 seconds to exhale

Benefits - Optimized cooperation between the brain hemispheres. Dramatic calming of anxiety, fear and worry. Openness to feeling one's presence and the presence of spirit. Intuition develops. The whole brain works - especially the old brain and the frontal hemispheres.
Reprinted with permission from the KRI International Teacher Training Manual Level 1

Here are some tips to make One-Minute breath easier:

To start make yourself very comfortable. Have a shawl on that you can remove without exertion if you get warm. Be very still.
Once you are set take 3 minutes to relax and deepen your breath. (or try 3 minutes of Breath of Fire, or if you are really tense try 3 minutes of Sat Kriya)
Start - Inhale slowly and steadily, filling your lower abdomen, your stomach area, going up to your lungs and then all the way up the chest
Lock the breath once you filled your upper chest (after 20 seconds)
Hold (20 seconds)
Then exhale, slowly gently and steadily.
At the end of 20 seconds gently reverse to an inhale and begin again

Don't fight your breath. Be relaxed. Having trouble working your way into? Here are two approaches:
1. Give yourself permission to work up to it. Start Inhaling for 10 seconds, holding for 10 seconds, exhaling for 10 seconds. Take a day or two and then increase to 15, 15, 15, and then to 20, 20, 20
2. Start with 20, 20, 20. If you find yourself struggling against your breath, complete the breath and then begin one minute of deep breathing. After a minute, start again - inhaling for 20 seconds, holding for 20 seconds, exhaling for 20 seconds

We'd love to hear if this works for you.

Thursday, November 09, 2006


There are lots of reasons to be an IKYTA member!
You join with an International Community of Kundalini Yoga Teachers who work together sharing ideas and resources
Co-create (with other Kundalini Yoga teachers around the world) an association with representation from teachers around the world - to drive IKYTA, and give input to 3HO and KRI. Let your voice be heard!
You get to list your online Teacher Profile in the Master Directory of Kundalini Yoga Teachers where people who are looking for a teacher can easily find you.
You can advertise your local events in the online Kundalini Yoga Events Calendar.
IKYTA will support you in building your community of Kundalini Yoga teachers locally

And the Member Benefits make your membership practically free!

IKYTA members enjoy benefits including:
Professional Membership Solstice discount
Yoga teacher liability insurance discount = USD 30.00
Airline Travel Discount Program (Great travel pricing for you and helps to fund IKYTA for projects serving teachers)
(brand) Car Rental Discount Rate
Professional Membership Discounts on KRI launched Level 2 Teacher Training courses
Discounts with Spirit Voyaga, Ancient Healing Ways, and more


Join now or renew your membership online at or call 505-367-1313.

Yearly Cost is USD 90.00 EFT in the US
(cost to pay by credit card or check is USD 108 for the year)
International Pricing Online

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Kundalini Yoga in New York

I am in New York working on an article about Kundalini Yoga here. Please let me know if you have any ideas of places to check out or teachers to meet. I have talked to a few people already and I am very excited about what teachers here have to say.

Sat Nam